495 Motorsports w West Babylon

Stany Zjednoczone495 Motorsports



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52, Cabot Street, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-486-2017
strona internetowej: 495motorsports.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.730687, Longitude: -73.392158

komentarze 5

  • Chris



    Jay is a highly knowledgeable, proficient, fair and honest mechanic. I've had 495 Motorsports work on all of my boats, jetskis, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and motorcycles for over 5 years and will continue to bring any and all recreational vehicles here for as long as Jay is open.

  • en

    Paul Keryc


    They Did THE Top End TO My Sportster Less Than 4 Thousand MILLES Ago And now the bike burns oil out if the back jug had them look at it and they said it was the crank breather well it only got worse so I brought it to a real motorcycle shop and it turns out the 2 lower rings weren't set right letting oil through. Now after a run around with this clown off to court I go i wouldn't let them work on my lawnmower after this bottom line the worst experience I ever had with a shop!! Use them at your own risk...

  • en

    Stephan M


    Excellent knowledgeable staff, great prices, and will help you get what you need if it is not in stock.

  • en

    j lupe


    Honest and professional what more can I say what more can a man ask for

  • Dino Aungpe

    Dino Aungpe


    I brought my snowmobile here they got on it right away for my oil change, new spark plugs and ordered a new belt. They told me why my oil light was on (not enough 2 stroke oil) and tightened up & aligned the track. Professional and likeable guys and theyre into snowmobile riding themselves. I recomend them. *3/19 update: after I bought the belt for my snowmobile last week I called today to get them to put it on as soon as I got there they came out and put it on and adjusted it as well & didnt even charge me for it -totally cool, these guys are good

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