Long Island Smile w Williston Park

Stany ZjednoczoneLong Island Smile



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101, Hillside Avenue, 11596, Williston Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-243-7473
strona internetowej: www.longislandsmile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7568158, Longitude: -73.6432914

komentarze 5

  • Nicholas Vollaro

    Nicholas Vollaro


    Glad I left Corporate National Dental and came here. They treat you like a patient and not someone to just make money off of. Great hygienists and Doctor took time to do exam not sell me more work than needed. I found my new office!

  • Justin Cherian

    Justin Cherian


    Incredibly friendly and courteous staff! Office was well maintained and organized. Doctors are well known including pro athletes. Received text messages throughout leading to appt. Staff was knowledgeable and answered all questions. They took the time and I did not feel rushed. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Richard Auletta


    I have been a patient of Drs . Seltzer and Rein for almost thirty years, and I have found them to be professional and knowledgeable in every way. This is a patient-centered professional office, where knowledge and experience are applied to each patient in a personalized way, accommodating each patient's preferences, approaches and personal needs, including scheduling. Drs. Seltzer and Rein seem to be at the head of the learning curve, using the latest medical equipment, and the newest procedures and materials, suggesting their constant attempts to learn new developments in their fields of expertise. Their office staff manages a modern and efficient office with the goal, once again, of meeting the needs of patients. For example, in the area of scheduling, appointments are made with clarity, and reminders follow in several convenient ways, even including e-mail reminders, always with a simple way for patients to confirm and re-confirm appointments. It has become somewhat of a unique story that, while I have moved several states away from New York, I nevertheless continue to come back to Williston Park for regular (and even special) dental treatment, perhaps the best way I can express my satisfaction with the professional services of Drs. Seltzer and Rein, and their staff. They have my highest recommendation.

  • Nancy F.

    Nancy F.


    Miracle Workers! Started using Dr. Seltzer when my spouse went there for a sleep appliance. He evaluated my mouth and found that I had many problems, gum and older crowns that were not placed properly. He carefully planned out my dental treatment which also involved a periodontist and an endodontist and a dental surgeon. A former dentist tried to play superman and just kept giving me antibiotics which caused much bone loss and several abscesses. After 4 months under Dr. Seltzer's care, I have five new beautiful crowns that fit, an upper tooth that he and the periodontist saved and a back upper removal with an implant in progress. No more infection, no more bad breath and I smile with confidence. Although I'm in my 60's, I've learned how to properly care for my teeth and use his dental hygienist. I've never felt better in years. When you find a competent dentist such as Dr. Seltzer, it's a gift in life. Will keep coming back! Nancy F.

  • Carole M

    Carole M


    I was expecting a needle and drilling which always makes me nervous. Dr Seltzer surprised me with the latest technology in dentistry.......THE SOLEA LASER. My filling was done without a needle, no pain, no drill noise, no numbness after. Best of all I can eat right away.!!!!!

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