PM Dental Care w Mineola

Stany ZjednoczonePM Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

121, Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-746-1111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.749269, Longitude: -73.639967

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ann Marie Venezia


    This is an exceptional place for dentistry. Dr. Druz is so knowledgeable, caring and willing to discuss options and plan. The office is beautiful and absolutely clean and spotless. His staff is also friendly, warm and caring. It has been a pleasant experience every time I have had work done. Highly recommend Dr. Druz and PM Dental Care.

  • en

    George Holden Jr


    By recommendation of My roommate, I Have found an Outstanding Dental Practice that educates me on my needs. I have received compassionate as well as absolute professional expertise. We are @ the beginning of a Huge & very much desired, custom made Cosmetic dentistry Plan. I have Confidence that this Dental Care Practice will provide Me with the smile that I have always desired

  • janner bravo

    janner bravo


    Scared of pain and drills? They make the most surgical procedures painless, even a normal cleaning is a breeze. Everyone at the office is professional and amazing. From guiding you with your insurance to appointment. You walk in and feel comfortable immediately, barely feel anything at all and the accommodate to everyone and their own unique ways. Parking is very accessible, the office environment is comfy and they even drive you home! Jk, I requested that tho lol. To conclude I officially found my dentist in which I will go even when I’m old and need dentures.

  • en

    Michael Kozak


    Dr. Druz and his staff are exceptional. This is by far the best dentist and dental office I have ever been to. I recommend them to everyone I know.

  • en

    eric hobbs


    My visit with Dr.Druz was great. I went there for my initial consultation and felt very comfortable with him and his staff. He is very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend him.

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