Lone Star Bavarian w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneLone Star Bavarian



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3800, W Vickery Blvd, 76107, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-732-4888
strona internetowej: www.germanautorepairstx.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7303258, Longitude: -97.3725852

komentarze 5

  • Robert McMillan

    Robert McMillan


    Absolutely immaculately clean place very well organized very honest and didn't feel that I was getting taken ,they ran a very thorough diagnostic highly recommend this place

  • en

    Alex Oslander


    I don't recommend to visit this shop! They kept my car for more than two days without update me and did't do what I asked them to do. Instead they gave me a quote of 1500$ for something different. When I tried to speak to the owner he was very rough and arrogant. When i asked them to do what I was asking the day I left the car they wanted to charge me 2 time higher price. I fixed the problem at a different shop without doing all what they tried to charge me! Very disappointing.

  • en

    Clayton Norris


    Shop is VERY clean and organized. Also the staff was helpful and very friendly. I especially enjoyed being dropped off at home while my car was being serviced. This is why I WANTED to love this shop. Sadly it's clear that their prices and labor are marked up significantly. I took my car in for a clutch replacement, and was quoted for $2106 after tax, FOR A NEW CLUTCH! Instead I bought all new OEM parts from a dealer and (for less than half what they quoted me for just a clutch) and I got a different BMW specialist shop to make the repair for me. All in I got the repair done right away for $750. If you are looking to service a newerish BMW, I would consider sticking with a dealer: but for older BMWs like mine, I would stay far away.

  • en

    Nick Croker


    I brought in my 2001 Audi S4 for a diagnosis for a misfire after giving up on finding the issue myself, this is the first time I've brought a car to a mechanic in 10. Trent and his team were very helpful and put a lot of time into finding the issue which turned out to be a failed boost control vacuum line which they fixed and clogged pre-catalytic converters. They went above and beyond for me and I had a very positive experience. Trent and his team are also very knowledgeable and I wouldnt hesitate going to them again if I ever find my self stuck with a mechanical issue again.

  • Ohms Rulz

    Ohms Rulz


    Never took my car to this place, but just called to find out how much a wheel alignment was. I was quoted $290. This is even higher than the BMW dealer who quoted me at ~$200. Why is the wheel alignment price more expensive than the dealer? I placed the rating at the average since I have no other information about this place.

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