Cowtown Rover w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneCowtown Rover



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3958, West Vickery Boulevard, 76107, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-731-3223
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7289686, Longitude: -97.3749151

komentarze 5

  • Kristina Reilly

    Kristina Reilly


    It's always challenging when a girl takes her car to a shop, at least for me. I've always felt taken advantage of, and my car(s) seemed to just go downhill after each "shop visit", so needless to say it's never been exciting for me. However... at Cowtown Rover I was taken care of and never felt slighted in the least and my car feels young again! Josh is a gem, he is patient and he goes the extra mile. He is genuine, personable, & thorough and I've seen him interact the same W all customers. Props to the owner Sammy, for creating an auto repair shop "where everyone knows your name" Cheers!!

  • en

    Paul Dickinson


    Disclaimer: This business is owned by friends of my family. I have had my car in numerous times over the last few years for repairs. Generally, they do a good job; however, there have been times I've had to go back in for the same thing to be fixed within a few months of the original repair. Their specialty is Rovers and not Kias, but you would think repairs would be the same. It is sometimes difficult to get in and out of their parking area. It is small and there is not much room to maneuver when the lot is full. You also have to pull out onto Vickery which can be difficult during high traffic times.

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    Tash Parks


    People are nice. But after shopping around I realized they are actually more expensive than some Land Rover dealerships.

  • en

    Rose Duncan


    Very nice people here. But pretty expensive. They do great work.

  • Jillian Maughan

    Jillian Maughan


    I had a non functioning headlight on my bmw 645 and the headlight bulb was good. I got 2 bids for different places... one for over 1600.00$ and another for 2300.00$!! Took it to these guys and they fixed it in a couple of hours for just over 200.00$! They knew exactly how to fix the specific problem and not just replace the whole assembly which was not necessary. I am so stoked I found these guys!

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