Law Offices of John L. Maccarone, P.C. i Glen Cove

Forenede StaterLaw Offices of John L. Maccarone, P.C.


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41, Forest Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-674-6782
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Latitude: 40.8715419, Longitude: -73.6265989

kommentar 5

  • myriam rebbouz

    myriam rebbouz


    This men is a life saver

  • en

    Stacie Bigotti


  • en

    Nicole Szafranski


    One of the best lawyers around. John was an advocate for me in all sense of the word. Not only was he available at all hours of the day to answer my questions, he worked with me to explain and guide me during all steps of the proceedings. He gave me reassurance and defended me exceptionally. Would recommend him to any of my friends. My case was ended in a timely manner with a positive outcome due to his legal expertise and experience.

  • es

    Edwin Anaya


  • en

    Varsyty Visionz Productionz


    he is a con lawyer that eager to take money and make false promises

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