Davidson Law Group, P.C. i Glen Cove

Forenede StaterDavidson Law Group, P.C.



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15, Glen Street, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-671-8187
internet side: davidsonesq.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.86423, Longitude: -73.6309325

kommentar 5

  • Ilia Potuzhnov

    Ilia Potuzhnov


    Dana and her team are very professional and supportive. They will guide you through the visa process and get the paperwork ready in time.

  • Peter Kang

    Peter Kang


    Great service - Dana is extremely forthright, knowledgeable and fights for you. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with this firm!

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    One of the best choices that I have made in my life was to have Davidson Law Group for a very difficult immigration case that needed to be handled properly for my husband. My family and I flew overseas to attend an immigration visa interview that was scheduled for my husband which did not go as we had hoped. My husband's case required an approved petition to be presented to the consulate, which unfortunately was not managed properly by our last attorney. I had been referred to Davidson Law Group by my friend who had given me a direct contact number to Dana and inform her of the issue we were faced with. Dana took her time out on a Sunday where she could have spent time with her family to speak with me about the problem we were facing. She was VERY HONEST with me about how long this may take and what we needed to do . She had given me SO MUCH HOPE that EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY. I couldn't stop crying from a mix of emotions. I knew that the road ahead of us as a family was going to be a very rough one; but we needed to do this to finally correct my husband's status in this country. We were torn apart when my daughter and I had to fly back to the States to get my husband's case started. Through the process, Dana and Vanessa have been extremely supportive throughout this course of action and have worked VERY HARD on this case. I know I was very annoying with the constant phone calls of when... or what's next and what else could we do questions. No matter WHAT they ALWAYS answered every question I had and were NEVER aggravated with me because they are compassionate people who have empathy. After 14 months of heartache without my husband here to celebrate birthdays, holidays and watching our daughter grow he is finally home!!!! We have reunited as a family again and that is ONLY BECAUSE OF DANA AND VANESSA!!!! I CANNOT thank them enough for EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE!!! I hope this testimonial helps somebody else who may be in my shoes because they WILL GET THE JOB DONE!!!!

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    mia kemme


    Dana and all of her staff was very nice. I got immediate responses whenever I had questions about the process. I loved working with the team!

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    Stuart Douglas


    Tricky times to be dealing with immigration, but Dana Davidson and Vanessa Caceido pieced together a phenomenal case when my petition required more detailed evidence. Very happy with the excellent service and the level of commitment given to my case. Thoroughly recommend.

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