Lavender nails and spa i Freeport

Forenede StaterLavender nails and spa



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191, Atlantic Avenue, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-665-2395
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.645447, Longitude: -73.584369

kommentar 5

  • Anabel Torres

    Anabel Torres


    This place is absolutely great! They give you complementary massages as youre getting your nails done as well as when youre drying (about 3-5 mins.) The place is very clean as well. I got my nails done by the manager and she was so nice. I will definitely be getting my nails done here more often.

  • Keva Williams

    Keva Williams


    Remembered place from previous owner under different name. The price was unexpected and very high plus tax if not paying by cash. Job was ok but.....

  • Renee Castro

    Renee Castro


    A little pricey but they do a really nice job and the staff here is really frieny

  • Barbara Johnson

    Barbara Johnson


    Staff is very friendly and they do a great job on nails and toes

  • Dominique Newsome

    Dominique Newsome


    Worst establishment I've ever visited in my entire life! I used to come here when they first opened, since they were located 5 mins from my house. I was one of their first customers. Initially they were great, very kind, the prices were amazing & I was always in and out because there was rarely a wait. I would walk in & be in the chair within 5 minutes. But as they grew and gained more clients, they became arrogant. The manager particularly. I went in one day to repair a broken nail and she told me ''appointment only'', but as I was walking out a woman walked in for a full set & was told ''pick a color''. So wait, because the service I wanted would have only been about 10 bucks, I was turned away - but a service that could've been about $45 was accepted without an appointment? Total BS. I will NEVER give these people my money again & I suggest you don't either.

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