New Oasis Nails & Spa i Freeport

Forenede StaterNew Oasis Nails & Spa



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11A, West Merrick Road, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-868-3006
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Latitude: 40.6539473, Longitude: -73.5805306

kommentar 5

  • Winiffer Tiburcio

    Winiffer Tiburcio


    Lina always does an awesome job with my nails 😍❤️

  • Fatima Marcos

    Fatima Marcos


    Muy bueno

  • en

    vonnie love


    This nail salon is ok now. Its gotten better over the years. Before I would have given it a 1 star because they would rush on their pedicures. I time I had timed them and it took the lady 7 minutes to do my feet. I hated my nails they looked like they were two sizes to big once they put the full set on. sadly after that day i never returned for years. Fast forward to now better. They take their time on your feet and do not rush and your nails look better also. They still have room for improvement but they have come a long way

  • Nury Bartolome

    Nury Bartolome


    Oasis nail salon doesn't deserve any stars. I would not recommend it. Each and every experience has been bad. The manager or owner a man doesn't know how to treat the customers, yet alone his employees. Never go for a,wax job, because they have no clue. I realized from the there unsanitary conditions that I got a fungus from this place. Definitely don't recommend it, it's worth taking the extra mile and go somewhere else

  • Yomayra Quiles

    Yomayra Quiles


    The man who did my nails was awesome and quick! Definitely returning!

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