Laundry Mall i Huntington

Forenede StaterLaundry Mall



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838, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.859603, Longitude: -73.4177909

kommentar 5

  • en

    eileenn megan


    The staff is great, and it is super clean. Will def exclusively be coming here bc I like the cleanliness, and the atmosphere

  • Liseth Juarez

    Liseth Juarez


    Es con tajeta las lavadoras y secadoras

  • Carl Brain

    Carl Brain


    Arrived at 1030 told open until midnight close

  • exxoticvsJeffthekiller jeffthekiller

    exxoticvsJeffthekiller jeffthekiller


    Siempre he ido a labar ahi es tranquilo amplio limpio empleados amables. No me quejo de nada y mientras espero puedo tomarme un cafe al otro lado

  • Joel Sidwell

    Joel Sidwell


    If you have to do your laundry at a laundromat, this one isn't bad. My only complaint are the dryers can be hit and miss. Some have broken buttons or don't heat up properly, which you don't find out until you have been waiting twenty minutes. The staff is good about reimbursing you if you ask, though.

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