Executive Cleaning Services LLC i Huntington

Forenede StaterExecutive Cleaning Services LLC



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460, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-271-8523
internet side: www.executive-clean.com
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Latitude: 40.8666872, Longitude: -73.4234828

kommentar 2

  • Carrie Mae Messerly

    Carrie Mae Messerly


    I have a non-conventional approach to office space and it's ability to influence productivity and creativity. I've found that although we are exceptional at producing high quality product, we often fall short in our cleaning skills. Myself included. We are professional marketers, not professional cleaners. The day I accepted our fate, we hired a professional corporate cleaning company. Our ability to focus and hone our skills was greatly improved. Executive Cleaning Services was fully aware of my meticulous disaster and took special precaution to not upset my flow and function, while ensuring my work space was clean and orderly. It's not an easy decision to allow someone into your work space, whereas my entire livelihood, as well as that of my employees relies on our space being function-able. They worked hard to establish trust and consistency. I appreciate the efforts by Executive Clean and their professionalism. I look forward to a long working partnership.

  • en

    John McDonough


    Extraordinary services. After years of recurring issues with our cleaning, we finally found a company that was willing to take on our unique cleaning requests. I will definitely continue our relationship with Executive.

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