Lake Town Motors i Amityville

Forenede StaterLake Town Motors



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118, Merrick Road, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-598-0457
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.671392, Longitude: -73.41792

kommentar 5

  • Tim Krompier

    Tim Krompier


    So honest and friendly

  • Lisa Nicolosi

    Lisa Nicolosi


    Arthur from Laketown motors is the only mechanic I trust. My family and I have been going to him for years. I recommend his shop 100%.

  • en

    Jose Luis Ramirez


    My family and I have had our vehicles serviced by Arthur and his crew for decades. The owner is involved in and aware of every single job. He is honest, astonishingly knowledgeable with an array of makes, diligent, and affordable (he only fixes what needs to be fixed, no ghost repairs that suddenly appear when you leave the shop). Beyond these, he is is ever personable and genuinely appreciative of his relationships with his clientele.

  • Roberta Fearon

    Roberta Fearon


    I live 20 miles away and highly recommend this shop if you have a Honda or Nissan. They are always honest!

  • en

    J Wadds


    Arthur and his staff at Lake Town Motors provide excellent service at a reasonable price. You get an accurate estimate and straight talk with regard to your car, your repair and your options. The repair work is expert quality.

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