Amity Auto Glass i Amityville

Forenede StaterAmity Auto Glass



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60, Merrick Road, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-264-3323
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6718343, Longitude: -73.4207478

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sandi Langtry


    Our rear windshield broke and I got an appointment through our insurance through another glass company. We called on Saturday and I was given an appointment for what I thought was the following Tues. On Tuesday, I found out the appointment was for another week out. I called Amity Auto to see if they could fix it any sooner. Not only were Amity Auto Glass covered through our auto insurance but they fixed it the very next day. They picked up and dropped off the car, were extremely accommodating, friendly, and provided great service. I'm so happy that i have a company that I can use in an emergency situation and trust! Sandi and Rich Langtry

  • Jeff Littwin

    Jeff Littwin


    Fast response, quick service, great work, and very pleasant to work with.

  • en

    Tracy Greico


    Very accommodating, readonably priced and good service. They will help you with auto glass repairs. Have had prior repairs done here that worked out very well. Today they are replacing the windshield in my newest car. Will let you know how it turns out.

  • en

    Jeff Vise


    Have been using them for years and always a great experience

  • Heather Burnett

    Heather Burnett


    Easy in, easy out! Had a crack in windshield. They offered me a ride home. I opted to wait. They pumped up the heat on a 25° day😁. It was first 90 mins to fix. Then they moved things around and it was 60 mins. It was 45 mins with calls to insurance company in reality! Tom and staff are great! 3rd time using them.

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