Lab Corporation en Azle

Estados UnidosLab Corporation


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328, West Main Street, 76020, Azle, Parker County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-444-1718
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8960673, Longitude: -97.5462311

comentarios 5

  • en

    Connie Morrow


    Cammy is wonderful!

  • en

    Mike Jones


    Usually very good. Excellent phlebotomists that can hit you every time with minimal digging and jabbing. Can be crowded around lunchtime.

  • Jeff Fisher

    Jeff Fisher


    When in and was seen within less than 5 minutes was out within another 5 minutes very quick very efficient she's really good at what she does

  • Computer Sloth

    Computer Sloth


    Zero stars would be more appropriate. It took me TWO visits to get my lab work done. The first visit, the lady appeared at the window, briefly, only to say "the computer is down". She hides in the back, does nothing until everyone leaves, including me. Second visit, she opens up the door 5 minutes after the opening time; people are already waiting outside because she is late. I had an appointment. Regardless, she took everyone in front of me, ignoring my appointment. 40 minutes after my appointment, and one hour after my arrival, I'm finally getting my blood drawn. I was just about to leave as I had another appointment to go to. What did I make an appointment for? She even took a personal call while people are waiting. It is apparent that she is not very "into" her job. Wow, the folks over at Quest a couple blocks away put this place to shame. The last insult, however, was when I walked out the door, having just paid about ten bucks...then realized that my copay was met LONG LONG AGO. She didn't even CHECK. Oh well, for ten bucks, I'm not going back in. I'm not going back, period. I think I'd rather pay in full over at Quest from now on, at least they acknowledge your appointment and have a couple people working there, "working" being the key word here.

  • en

    Mary Payne


    Sat in waiting room 20 mins not acknowledged sounds like two guy shooting the breeze while I sit here I am never using this place again

Salud más cercano

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