Eagle Crest Villa en Azle

Estados UnidosEagle Crest Villa


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113, Denver Trail, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-444-3249
sitio web: www.eaglecrestvilla.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.881948, Longitude: -97.533596

comentarios 5

  • en

    Jennifer Rassi


    The best assisted living facility in Azle. The residents are happy and enjoy living here. Come in today for a tour...

  • en

    Ami Wisdom


    This is a great facility with great people! Volunteering here with activities is a pleasure, and the residents always seem happy and well cared for! Love this place!

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    Cheryl York


    Mom was kicked out after two days!! She moved in on Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 the nurse said there were other facilities that had more staff and could meet our needs but theirs did not (this was the very person that did the assessment and said she was a perfect candidate - Level one). She told me by phone at 5:00 Friday that someone from the family would need to come sit with her or hire a 24 hour sitter because she had tried to exit the building and they are not a locked facility. I find this a little strange because the outside door that was nearest my Mom's apartment stayed locked - we had to ask a staff member to unlock it so we could move her things in more easily to her apartment. My Mom couldn't walk all the way to the front, so I'm not sure how she was trying to exit - also Mom said she was only looking out. The first two days that my Mom was there I received several phone calls - "your Mom asked for help to put on her shoes", "your Mom got up at 3:00 a.m. and saw people in the dining room that wasn't there", "your Mom asked for a shower", "your Mom had her grandson go to the front and ask someone to assist with her clothes", and so on. The first "non-emergency" phone call was at 4:00 am on Thursday morning after she moved in on Wednesday. I felt I had been scammed because I told the director by phone that I didn't know but that my Mom might be too far past an assisted living. She said...."let me send my nurse out to do an assessment". The nurse came to the Decatur hospital and did the assessment in my presence. She could plainly see that my Mom needed help getting out of the bed and getting to a standing position, yet still she said she was a perfect candidate. I'm writing this review just because I feel like if they have an empty room they will take on the resident regardless because it really doesn't hurt them any....but my Mom was devastated. She wasn't happy about moving out of her home and felt defeated when she had to move again in less than a week. We couldn't move her to a new facility until the following Monday, so from Friday evening to Monday at noon or so, my Mom had to pay a sitter to be with her all the time in her apartment. The staff didn't seem to be very understanding for a new resident and in my opinion was complaining to me by phone about the things my Mom needed help with. The food is really great - the apartments are very nice - and the location was good for us....these are the positives. Make sure your loved one is a good fit before moving them in. I trusted them to determine if she was a good candidate for assisted living, but after moving her in it was very obvious that the other residents were more self-sufficient and would not have needed help getting out of bed.

  • Jodie Passmore

    Jodie Passmore


    Eagle Crest apologizes for not being able to meet your mom's needs. We hope she is doing well in her new home.

  • en

    Mary Doss


    This place has no compassion for their residents at all! The people who run it should be ashamed of themselves! They are definitely "not " assisted living at all and should not call themselves assisted living!!

Salud más cercano

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