Kimpton Hotel Monaco Portland i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKimpton Hotel Monaco Portland



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506, Southwest Washington Street, 97204, Portland, Multnomah County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 503-222-0001
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.51986, Longitude: -122.677339

kommentar 5

  • Nick Ward

    Nick Ward


    I've had an absolutely wonderful experience at the hotel so far. The accommodations far exceed what I believed they were going to be. The location gives you the ability to be at the waterfront very shortly and is in close proximity to a high quantity of quality restaurants. If you stay here you will not be disappointed.

  • Mona Moloney

    Mona Moloney


    Signature Kimpton service and unique ambiance of this specific hotel is greatly appreciated. Located near shopping, river and abundant restaurants and food trucks. The decor and architecture sets this property apart from the mundane, especially in the lobby and parlor, which draws more guests than anywhere else we've stayed. Kudos and thanks to the excellent staff.

  • Emily Holgate

    Emily Holgate


    Such a cool hotel!! Come for their location and price, stay for their incredible in house restaurant, eclectic rooms, and complimentary cocktail hour, all of which is pet friendly. Don't park here though, there are better options!

  • Arthur Garcia

    Arthur Garcia


    It's a classic Kimpton. Boutique luxury. They had an inviting lobby with free coffee in the morning and wine tasting in the afternoon. Clean rooms and always friendly staff is what they are known for and they didn't disappoint. Location was excellent as walking anywhere in downtown is easy.

  • Sandra Determan

    Sandra Determan


    This hotel has been recently remodeled / updated. Looks much better now. I like that some of the higher-priced rooms have their own unique Flair. They have happy hour occasionally with live music, and it's a fun time down in the lobby. It's also centrally located.

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