Karma Lounge w Ossining

Stany ZjednoczoneKarma Lounge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

175, Main Street, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-502-0360
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1616295, Longitude: -73.862273

komentarze 5

  • es

    Homero Cifuentes


    Muy bueno buen cervicio

  • en

    Daniel N P


    I had the daily special (11AM - 4PM), light chicken soup, fresh salad, meat, rice and beans and a soft drink, less than $9. High quality for a small town.

  • Jessica Cepeda

    Jessica Cepeda


    Great food the beans may need more seasoning but I definitely plan on coming again I found my New Mexican spot

  • proselectsecurity proselectsecurity

    proselectsecurity proselectsecurity


    we work here for 4 days to install their security systems and other electronic devices. In the time we worked tjerr we had lunch and we love it. Beside any plates they have in their rich menu, you have the option to eat delicious and with less money from Monday to Friday by eating what they called friends or every day menu what is some plates from their delicious meals but they do it for that particular day. the grill they have here is especial because they don't use direct a gas burn and no gas flavor will remain on any meat place on... I am bringing my family here after taste the wonderful food they serve here. la comida es muy Buena en el karma lounge. estuvimos aquí por trabajo. instalando la seguridad y otros equipos electrónicos y almorzamos por 4 dias y fue una experiencia muy deliciosa. Se lo recomendamos a todos. la carne a la parrilla tiene un sabor único por el tipo de parrilla que tienen para cocinados sin dejarla o quemarla.

  • en



    Food is authentic. The staff is very friendly and the prices are reasonable. This is far and away the best Latin restaurant within 25 miles. It is the area's hidden gem. Don't expect to see typical Mexican food, this is not the place for that. This is authentic Central American, Colombian food and it is delicious. I've never been disappointed with the food here, I actually wish I could eat there more often.

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