The Hudson Room w Peekskill

Stany ZjednoczoneThe Hudson Room



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23, South Division Street, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-788-3663
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2900952, Longitude: -73.9201276

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arnie Spindler


    We arrived at 5:45 to make sure we had enough time to make an 8:00 show at the Paramount theater around the corner. We were a party of four and we ordered mostly small plates and appetizers Sriracha Gulf Shrimp was hard and other than the Shrimp was tasteless. Mesquite Smoked Pork Nachos were too watery to be picked up on a Nacho. Sashimi Appetizer, 2 pieces each of Tuna, Salmon ,Yellowfin and Swordfish, was fresh and tasty. Wild Caught Gulf Shrimp & Lobster Salad ( $15) tasted like Shrimp and something. Spicy Tuna Roll ($12) was okay but came with another persons order on the same plate. Veal Milanese ($28) was good but way overpriced , as are all the dishes here Seared Organic Tofu & Vegetable Stir fry with chicken ($19) wasn't good enough to take home. Our server finally got tired of making excuses, kitchen and Sushi bar both backed up, and bought a round of wine. At 7:45 the last of our order came out which gave enough time to inhale our food, get and pay the check and race to make Darlene Loves opening. song The restaurant was busy but that doesn't excuse disorganization. I have rarely included prices in a review but for Peekskill, and maybe NYC, these prices are unwarranted, especially for mediocre food and poor customer service. When we arrived we were told that we would each receive a $5 gift certificate for our next visit, we never got it, no great loss since we're never coming here again. 11 Months Ago; We were a party of 6 yesterday and started with Hummus ,Salsa and Chips with Guacamole. Chips were tasteless and the Hummus was bland. There weren't enough Chips so we had to request more. We all seemed to be in a Burger state of mind and ordered the Char Grilled Hudson Burger, which was larger than expected and cooked perfectly to order, the downside was the complete lack of the Bacon Tomato Jam and the Horseradish Pickles. The Idaho Sweet Potato Fries were burnt and the portion small. The high prices are not justified by the quality of the food and the only Chardonnay is $12 a glass. The room is inviting but very noisy.

  • en

    Richard Hernandez


    The food was good affordable and the entertainment was excellent excellent service good staff I recommend

  • Jack-A-Roe



    The Food was Great, An all-round Good Atmosphere. The Wait Staff was Personable and Friendly.

  • Pete Signorelli

    Pete Signorelli


    Very cool restaurant with a good variety on the menu. They have specials where you get an appetizer, entre, and desert for $35. The food was great, too. Everyone in our party enjoyed it very much.

  • Renee Cassard

    Renee Cassard


    Delicious fresh sushi. Fun vibe. Great late night spot (in Peekskill!) with a killer local band (live after 10). Love to see a city vibe like this way out in the country ;)

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