K & K Automotive Concepts in Franklin Square

Vereinigte StaatenK & K Automotive Concepts


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90, Franklin Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-616-0900
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.705739, Longitude: -73.677046

kommentare 5

  • en



    Excellent service

  • Gregory Partanio

    Gregory Partanio


    Mauricio knows his stuff. Everyone was perplexed with my car issue and after a few days Mauricio figured out that it was a ground problem . He ran a new ground to the engine block and problem solved. He's a great Mechanic and very reasonable, don't hesitate to tasker your car there.

  • en



    I trust the safety of my family to the fine people at K&K. Mauricio and his crew are the best. I've trusted them for more years than I can remember and will continue for as long as I live in these parts.

  • Naty Rest

    Naty Rest


    Everyone in my family comes here. Honest. Straightforward. Efficient. Love coming here!!!

  • William Alvizures

    William Alvizures


    They take care of my car all the time, I can just leave there, call them and they do all the work needed. Is the best place to take care of your car!

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