Avis Lube in Elmont

Vereinigte StaatenAvis Lube


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1260, Hempstead Turnpike, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-775-9300
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7086859, Longitude: -73.6866938

kommentare 5

  • Anthony Botta

    Anthony Botta


    Good service Everytime I go

  • Rich H

    Rich H


    Staff is friendly and service is usually quick.

  • Akim Ojugbele

    Akim Ojugbele


    Knowledgeable staff

  • lailun ahmed

    lailun ahmed


    worst experience ever. I paid $105 for Toyota Sienna. They don't check my tire pressure. Also didn't reset the Mant Rec light. I will not go to this place anymore.

  • en

    Joseph Gonzalez


    worst experience ever. after reading reviews i thought I'd give these guys another chance. BIG MISTAKE for starters i was told 29.99 and when i went to pay it was 34.99 instead because "my car needed different oil" which i should have been told. first problem, now second issue: they checked my air filter and broke the holder. i was never told and when i came back the mechanic lied and said it was already broken. complete nonsense! either way, he should have told me once he noticed it.. he also claimed to be the manager and didnt do anything except agree he should have told me.. they did nothing to resolve my loose air filter so all i can do it share my experience.. and by the way, if u ignore this n go, ask to see your old oil filter!!!! i dont believe mine was changed.. NEVER AGAIN

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