Jewelry Design & Repair i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJewelry Design & Repair


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2120, Crestmoor Road, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 615-383-8322
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Latitude: 36.1092594, Longitude: -86.8148556

kommentar 4

  • Chrissy Mamone

    Chrissy Mamone


    My light purple pearl earring from china accidentally fell out of my ear at a huge mall in Nashville, I somehow found it and it got stepped on and the post broke.... luckily, I found this amazing store who fixed my earring perfectly and at no cost! 😍 #grateful #bestcityever #kindpeople THANK you for your kindness!!

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    Robert Pugh


    Just got my wife's ring back and it looks great - great work, nice people and fair pricing....harder and harder to find.

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    Bill Bernstein


    Excellent professional work. IN these days of premade instant everything it is gratifying to see old fashioned craftsmanship still practiced. Done right is not done fast. Quality work takes time and this guy does top quality repair and design.

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    Kelly Dement


    I need some custom jewelry for a birthday I called to see how long the process took as it was one month from the date I needed it. I was asured it would take NO MORE THAN 2 weeks. When I went it in it was promised by the end of the week, less than the original quote and I was thrilled. At the end of the week I called to find out that the guy went on vacation for the 2nd week. The next week they said they ordered the parts. The 4th week they said they would just have to throw their hands in the air and may not get it to me on time. NOT ONCE did they call me to give me updates. I always called them. If I knew that they wouldn't be able to get me my order on time I would have never went there. Imagine if this was my wedding day and I had to show up with no ring! Luckily they made it work hours before I had to catch my plane.

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