Kay Jewelers i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKay Jewelers



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2126, Abbott Martin Road, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 615-385-1279
internet side: stores.kay.com
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Latitude: 36.1068639, Longitude: -86.815313

kommentar 5

  • en

    Donald Carnahan


    I purchased a engagement ring there on Saturday march the 10th and was very pleased with the service I got there they was very friendly and helpful and when I asked them if they had what u was looking for they found it and didn't try to persuade me to look at something different.When i proposed on Saturday night my fiance was overly excited and pleased with the ring i got her. Thank you guys so much at Kay jewelers we will be getting our wedding rings from you guys to...

  • James Mead

    James Mead


    Had a great experience and conversation with Marilyn, thanks again! You made our night - James & Stacy

  • en

    Ambra Billotte


    I went here for help and am realizing it's all the same. I just want a ring. I'm sick of waiting over three hours not to be seen, I'm sick of bending over backwards just for Kay's to screw me over. I seriously hate this company. I shouldn't have to say that when a company makes a mistake it's their job to make it right..I've been more than patient and they took all the meaning out of my rings. I'll never have the ring my husband wanted me to have and the pics I have of my ring on my wedding day that I spent so much money only show just how crappy the rings are. Do not go to Kay's, not worth the time, money, and especially not worth the heartache and tears I've cried over watching my ring being mulated. This store didn't destroy my ring (the one in Clarksville did), but they aren't doing a whole lot to fix the problem.-----Find me on facebook-Ambra Billotte, and I'll show you pics and video of what the 'Kay standard' is...it'll make you sick).




    The absolute worst customer service. The manager Brandon is horrible. I took my chain in to be sent off for repair on a Sunday. Brandon told me that if the chain had been repaired more than 3 times, they would deem it "defective" and replace it. I asked how many times had I brought it in (myself knowing it was at least 3), Brandon says he would have to call customer service to check. He picks up the phone and pretends to call I assume, because he comes back seconds later and says "oh customer service is closed on Sunday". I told him no big deal, I would call the next day. Come to find out, customer service is always available to the stores, even on Sunday. Not only is Brandon rude and lacks basic good customer service, he's also a liar who doesn't want to do his job. A week later I called the store and spoke with the very nice assistant manager Melody who actually informed me that it was the manager who helped me the week before. Melody didn't seem shocked that I received the treatment I did. I've made 2 attempts so far to speak with the district manager Vince Johnson. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS LOCATION IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME AND BLOOD PRESSURE.

  • Joyce Lighari

    Joyce Lighari


    Stay away. Customer service is awful. Took wedding ring and wanted a stone added to it end of November. Promised December 10th. Still no ring and it's February. Came back i the end of January with out the work done right. Sent it back with the promise of a rush on it. Less than two weeks was promised. It's over two weeks now and still excuses. Disgusted!!!

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