JCPenney i Dallas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJCPenney



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6051, Skillman Street, 75231, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 972-892-2050
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8628753, Longitude: -96.7526025

kommentar 5

  • en

    Annel Soto


    Robert was very helpful! Clean and organized store.

  • Bobby Joe Rodriguez

    Bobby Joe Rodriguez


    I love shopping at this JCP location. The store is always organized and the employees always so helpful. When we got to the check out line, it was pretty long but all of the register were in motion and the employees checked everyone out in a timely manner. Plus it’s conveniently located by Walmart and Sams if you want to get all your shopping done in one trip with no hassle of getting through traffic.

  • Luci Salazar

    Luci Salazar


    We went to JCP yesterday to take advantage of my step-daughter's JCP discount that they were offering this weekend. I bought some blouses, earrings & boots. My husband got some clothes too. JCP always has a great variety of cute & unique clothes for women, esp. Petite sizes which is what I use. They also have great deals on appliances. We hope to take advantage of that the next time she gets her discount.

  • en

    Selina Uriegas


    Went in to do a return. The line was long but went pretty quickly. It wasn't as bad as it looked.

  • en

    Tony Thomas Jr


    Clean,Neat, and good service on the service floor. restrooms and changing room were dirty and looked liked they had not been cleaned.

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