Walmart Supercenter i Dallas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWalmart Supercenter



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9410, Webb Chapel Road, 75220, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 972-629-0007
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8622267, Longitude: -96.8569331

kommentar 5

  • en

    esraa Shatory


    Very small, didn't find playdough and the big bottle of bubbles that I find in every Walmart, weird people standing in front of the door, I thought may be they are using weed or something, didn't feel safe to take my kids there

  • en

    Kandy Swan


    Is all good, well stocked. We don't live in the area so we thought it was accessible and in a good area where you can go in and out quickly.

  • en

    Stacy Linnear


    Great customer service just wasn't enough registers open at that time of night I went in lot of people was there

  • Juana Love

    Juana Love


    The employees have gotten. A lot better. You actually see them in the isles now and they ACTUALLY ask if you need help! Omg! . the other customers..hate .. So freaking rude. But what do you expect? Its in the ghetto.

  • en

    Bella Sofia


    Wow I called customer service asked for something they transferred me over, no one answers and then hangs up immediately. Called back customer service 3 more times it's 9:50 pm and the lady who answered previous picks up without saying a work and hangs up each time without saying anything. It's Friday march 9 and whoever is responsible for picking up customer service at this time should be fired.

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