Island Toyota en New York

Estados UnidosIsland Toyota



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1591, Hylan Boulevard, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 877-749-3038
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5899386, Longitude: -74.0895307

comentarios 5

  • Elaine Mendez

    Elaine Mendez


    Alexander at Island Toyota, Staten Island NY is awesome! And so is his manager Greg. Even though I'm still waiting to see if I qualify for the car loan, I feel as though they really did their jobs well! And the RAV4 2018 is an incredible vehicle. Well worth the price!

  • marta jagz

    marta jagz


    Came in the other day with my parents to lease a Camry for college, did some online research and I saw an ad for like 189. I spoke with someone name christy before coming in cause I wanna make sure that deal is legit. We came in and met with a salesman (don’t remember his name cause he mostly dealt with my parents) When I test drove the car I instantly fell in love with it, I’m so happy that the process was quick and easy and we got the deal I wanted. I’m so glad I did research and the girl I spoke with was so helpful & made the process quick. The salesman wasn’t pushy at all definitely recommend this place!

  • Michael Lopez

    Michael Lopez


    Overall great experience! Set up my appointment to come in through Trudy. I ending up working with Steve Smith in the showroom. They were a pleasure to deal with and were professional and knowledgeable. I ended up getting the car I want with payments that were suitable for me. Will return to deal with Steve when my lease is up.

  • en

    Manuel Marin


    Anthony (sales rep) and George (finance rep) are the very definition of customer service. On a holiday weekend when things were very busy, they made us feel like we were the only people in the room. They were friendly, humorous, honest, and very generous with their attentiveness to our questions. They also went to extreme degrees of effort to ensure that they were helping us to get the best financial package possible. I would highly recommend their service to anyone. 5 stars!!!

  • Andrei Baihot

    Andrei Baihot


    Авто смогут подобрать. С языком у них всё владь

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