Joey's Tire & Diagnostic Center en New York

Estados UnidosJoey's Tire & Diagnostic Center



🕗 horarios

1636, Hylan Boulevard, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-979-2484
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.588494, Longitude: -74.089892

comentarios 5

  • en

    Barry Simpson


    I've been going to Joey's for a long long time maybe 15 plus years he's the most knowledgeable honest real mechanic I've ever come across very creative and if he's able to think of something rather than just changing a part he can do that as far as that goes you save me money over the years or though he's not the least expensive mechanic you get what you pay for very honest knowledgeable and definitely would recommend him

  • daniel deutsch

    daniel deutsch


    Great mechanics. You'll never have to bring your car back twice.

  • en

    James Ryan


    Best automotive shop on Staten island. Highly recommended jamesryan

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    Erasmo DeMeo


    Joey is a part of a dying breed of mechanics, truly an old school mechanic that was able to evolve with the 21st century technology. I've been a customer for at least 20 years and when someone has the honesty to kick you out of his shop because you don't have a problem and doesn't want to take your money... Then .... From my daily driver to my Corvette he keeps my cars running in top form. If you find an honest mechanic then keep them.. and that's what I did..

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    Rob Gaeta


    I have been taking my cars there for a few years. Joey is gentleman. Many times car fixed at little or no cost. Joey always looks for the best and most cost effective solution and is honest with me. He knows his stuff. I have a Nissan and a Jaguar. I would not take the Jag especially to just anyone, Joey is a Pro!

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