Island Furniture w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneIsland Furniture



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92-17, 165th Street, 11433, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-262-8220
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7051631, Longitude: -73.7944161

komentarze 5

  • Claymar Woods

    Claymar Woods


    Really good stuff

  • en

    Arif Bacchus


    The best customer service,and hosesty

  • en

    Karene Taylor


    I bought my living room set from here . Within a year the furniture is cracking up . I called Bibi the store manger and she asked me to look for a serial number, which I did . I found a serial underneath the loveseat and give it to her. She later called me and said that I give her the wrong serial number . She sent her delivery guy here and he couldn't find any serial number either . She acting as if I lying about it not being there . Saying comments like " You're one in a million " .I don't know if this lady is on crack but she needs to get help . So with that being said it fell off or whatever. I spend 1296 on the living set which is all crack up and she can't help me . She very dismissive and disrespectful . Her tone is offensive and made me get out of character. She acts like they gave you something as a gift . Oh no Crab I spent my money . Oh I forgot whenever she does give me the leather places if she does . I would then have to pay someone to install it . Stay away from this place. So not worth the headache.

  • en

    gioia garcia


    I have given this store one star only because the owner, Karim, is a gentlemen. He gave me an excellent price on a queen sized mattress set and assured me the mattress and box spring would arrive clean and completely sealed in plastic. This is where the problem begins. The delivery people say they don't have a hand truck and they dragged the mattress and box spring on the floor. They arrived with broken plastic, dirty box spring and mud on the corners of the plastic, indicating to me they dragged them in the street. The biggest problem I have is with the store manager, Bibi. While the owner is very well mannered, this woman is rude, arrogant, screaming and hanging up on me. She thinks just because I didn't spend thousands of dollars in the store I don't have the right to expect clean, sealed mattresses delivered to my house. As I write this I am awaiting another delivery of a new mattress and box spring. When I asked this unprofessional woman if they could please use a hand truck, she screamed at me that they will bring the mattress however they want to and then hung up on me. Her behavior is beyond rude. I have a right to expect new mattresses delivered clean and sealed in plastic.

  • en

    Bibi Ramjit


najbliższy Sklep meblowy

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