Aaron's w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAaron's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8935, 162nd Street, 11432, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-558-9077
strona internetowej: locations.aarons.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7056708, Longitude: -73.7984018

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ingris Santos


    Wow nice today

  • en

    Zehra Kazmi


    Their staff kept giving us wrong information about delivering the bed. Kept telling us they will call us back to confirm but nothing! After 2 weeks, instead of being ashamed this guy acts all rude until the other person intervenes! Worst!

  • Norma Anthony

    Norma Anthony


    Love the friendly service they provide

  • en

    Ruby Barton


    It's quite obvious that a few of these reviews were probably written by an Aaron's representative because they are for sure no where near worth "five stars"... not even 3 stars. Aaron's does NOT report to any credit bureau's, even if you are up to date with payments. And what is a "preferred customer"?-- that is a joke. This location is run by individuals who do not have customer service skills. I'm someone that ALWAYS remembers to say "please" and "thank you" which is rare these days but that is not the same courtesy given. On more than one visit to this location, music was very loud and the folks behind the counter were more focused on singing along than providing customer service. I understand that delivery dates are not promised but my items were delayed by three days!!! And no courtesy call from anyone to update me. No voicemails left or e-mail. I had to call them to ask about my items. After they suck you into a lease/rental agreement, they could care less whether you are still breathing or not. I have rented with Aaron's twice and I was once SIX days past due for a payment that is paid (monthly). I understand I was late, but they hounded me for the ONE payment as if I ever skipped a payment. They surely called me then but not for my delivery. I guess that's how they treat their "preferred customers". Very VERY disappointing. And why didn't they report that late payment to the credit bureau? Hmmm. Shame on me for renting with them twice but it will never happen again.

  • en

    franklyn butler


    I sat around for an order all day that never showed when I was told that I would be getting my order try to call the manager several times it was like he was avoiding my phone call the customer service at this store is very lousy and im still sitting here waiting on it called the store at 9:15AM TO SPEAK WITH SOMEONE BUT THET STATED THE MANAGER WAS WITH A CUSTOMER HOW IS HE WITH A CUSTOMER AND THE STORE DONT OPEN FOR ANOTHER 45MINS SMH

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