ИНФИНИТИ Оф Энглвуд w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneИНФИНИТИ Оф Энглвуд



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90, Grand Avenue, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-568-1200
strona internetowej: infinitiofenglewood.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8902453, Longitude: -73.9754157

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joseph Fuccillo


    Everyone was very friendly and helpful… Juliette was a complete professional and was honest… Truly great experience

  • en

    Kendrick Funes


    Great experience with the salesan Kris. He really helped me out and understand my circumstances and situation and found a way to give me the best offer he could and the price range I wanted. I recommend if you go into this dealership you should work with Kris so that he can work his magic and get you into the car you want for the price you want.

  • en

    Zamira Salim


    Definitely go see Kris he is one of a kind! Great deal! Highly recommend him and Infiniti of Englewood!

  • Thurston Liggians

    Thurston Liggians


    I went on May 24, 2018 for an oil change and tire rotation for 2015 which I’m in my 2nd year of a 39 month lease. After inspection, I was told that the car was idling too high and the battery was no good and it had to be replaced. These items were all cover under warranty. Since I was going in for tire rotation, I marked with a black magic marker the inside of cap of the valve stem on the passenger front wheel prior to bringing the car in for service. When my car was finished, the rep said there was no charges for tire rotation and oil change, strange. I went to valve stem cap on front of the car and was the same one I had marked, no tire rotation was done. I also noticed the wheel lock was still dirty as though no one had touched it, a matter of fact the entire wheel was dirty.

  • en

    Michael Teixeira


    Took them over 40 days to pay off my car and the salesman Chris hung up on me three or four times asking him why took so long to pay off. They will try to hit you with a dealer prep fee please be aware .

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