Lexus of Englewood w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneLexus of Englewood



🕗 godziny otwarcia

53, Engle Street, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-568-3900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8946478, Longitude: -73.9717165

komentarze 5

  • Sara Khan

    Sara Khan


    The best part of our experience was the sales person Rafael Gomez. He went far and beyond to help us with all our questions and assured us with the choice we made for SUV. He was the most charming and helpful. I felt comfortable and he was trustworthy. Service at Lexus of Englewood was the best from choice of car to finance of car.

  • Dee N

    Dee N


    Normally I don’t rate car dealerships, but Lexus of Englewood will be my exception. Natalia my sales representative worked diligently to find me the car I wanted at a price affordable. She was not pushy and followed up with me and followed through on her promises. My experience was very pleasant and I will be repeating business at this location.

  • en

    Wang Audi


    Service was great, they are super efficient and clean & clear about everything. Especially Chris Lee, who understand my needs, get the best price and car that suits my conditions, and organize the process make it efficient and quick. It was great experience. Super satisfied for whole buying process!

  • en

    Mark griffin


    Without a doubt the best car buying experience I’ve ever had. Informative without any pushy sales pitch. I got the answers to all of my questions in order to make my buying decision. Entire process was hassle free. Thank you Joe!

  • en

    Richie Wells


    Joe was really good- went out of his way to make the experience as easy as possible...... he’s very knowledgeable, and pleasant to deal with. Mitch was great also Everyone was patient and went out of their way

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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