Howard Johnson Anaheim Hotel and Water Playground i Anaheim

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Forenede StaterHoward Johnson Anaheim Hotel and Water Playground


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1380, South Harbor Boulevard, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-776-6120
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.812901, Longitude: -117.914052

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nateworthy530 X


    Great customer service, friendly staff, comfortable beds and clean modern rooms at a great price. Plus if you show up before your check in time they will let you park for free. If you get a room in building one try to get on the top floor their is a great view of the Disney fireworks from there.

  • kickassdrummer21



    Spend the wknd with my family and we enjoyed our stay! The children get greeted with shaped balloons. The staff is very friendly and helpful. We loved the pool and the kids water section. Highly recommended with those with little ones. Thank you!!

  • Kirsten Tenney Bush

    Kirsten Tenney Bush


    My party had 2 adults and 2 young children. We did one day at Disneyland, and one pool day. The location is fabulous. A very easy walk to the parks, though in the morning I think it's the busiest entrance so the line for security was insane-it would be worth it to walk around to the other side. The hotel is self described as retro, which is a cute way of saying they haven't updated very many things in the rooms since it was built in the 60s, but we basically only slept in the rooms anyway. The staff are very pleasant, they have balloon shapes for the kids, and the pool is fabulous for kids.

  • Monica Jaroszynski

    Monica Jaroszynski


    The staff was very accommodating with all our needs. They we're friendly kind and even greeted our son with a balloon animal. The hotel was clean and comfortable. And the pool area is great for kids.

  • Rylan Leese

    Rylan Leese


    Arrived with two families including four adults and two children. Check in was fast, but the lobby is hard to find. Look for the retro round spaceship looking building. We had adjoining rooms on the first floor. They were clean and well appointed for this price range. There are two pool areas but watch out for the misleading signs that state different open and close times for each. Housekeeping was prompt and quick. I also used the laundry service on site. Standard stuff but be sure to get your soap before you go and the machines only take quarters. There is a change machine in the nearby arcade. Overall this was a good value and if prices remain the same we'll be back.

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