Camelot Inn & Suites i Anaheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCamelot Inn & Suites



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1520, South Harbor Boulevard, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-635-7275
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8105207, Longitude: -117.9146319

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carrie Manis


    We've been staying here for about a day and it's great so far. The family suite is a really nice size for our family of 6. The staff was really friendly and the rooms are clean and we'll maintained. It's also less than a 10 minute walk to Disney which is a huge plus.

  • Jaimie Aurelio

    Jaimie Aurelio


    We had two queen beds. The room was clean and comfortable. The staff was accommodating and friendly. We will definitely stay again!

  • en

    James Palmer


    The rooms are definitely worth it, given the price and distance to amenities like Disneyland and the Honda Center. I slept on the pull-out mattress, with only minor discomfort, much better than most pull-out (two others slept comfortably on the king size mattress). Restaurants nearby are great, and we had a full view of the fireworks. Haven't tried the pool, but they definitely have one. Valet service was nice, especially with the difficulty of parking in the area. We came for hockey, instead of Disney. This hotel would be absolutely ideal for Disney, and definitely works for visiting fans to the ducks/angels. The age range skews heavily towards young families (closer to Disney than the sports complex), so if you're planning on drinking heavily or cussing or any of that, I would seek shelter elsewhere.

  • Melinda Blackham

    Melinda Blackham


    We have stayed here a few times and it has been a decent experience. The pool is pathetic, as is the hot tub but that isn't really why anyone books here. It's for the distance in walking to the park. They have scooter rentals right at the hotel to make it easier for you to have one without renting at the park itself. This allows you to take it anywhere outside the park with ease. So if your handicapped, it makes it very convenient. The rooms are clean, but the beds aren't very comfortable. Still, compared to other neighbor hotels, we prefer to stay here.

  • Dennis Nelson

    Dennis Nelson


    Great price, great location. Very clean and modern rooms. No shuttle service to Disneyland but no need, the magic kingdom is across the street. It would be prime if they did breakfast, like some of the other hotels in the area. Overall, I'd stay here again. They have suites that can easily accommodate 5-6 people. Mini fridges and microwaves in their suites, not sure about the regular rooms.

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