Home & Kidz Furniture Gallery i Paramus

Forenede StaterHome & Kidz Furniture Gallery



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577, Winters Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-254-8200
internet side: www.homeandkidz.com
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Latitude: 40.960481, Longitude: -74.072822

kommentar 5

  • Timothy Horsburgh

    Timothy Horsburgh


    We had a great experience here with Lynn. She handled our whole order perfectly. We would highly recommend.

  • Lynn Gaby

    Lynn Gaby


    Amazing showroom and phenomenal staff!!!! No one works on commission which makes the buying process so easy. Everyone is so helpful and educated about the products. Definitely worth coming to see, they have all different price points.

  • Candy Girl

    Candy Girl


    LOVE The store my kid loves the bed and I'm impress it's not a good store it's a great one!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😁😁😉😁😉

  • en

    Cynthia Jaikaran


    Worst experience of my life... please do not let looks deceive you on this one. Only read reviews from customers that actually made a purchase to what see what your experience will really be like. I purchased furniture and although they say 3 days cancellation that is not the case. You need to get that in writing if you do cancel. Although I cancelled in time with a call to manager who confirmed order is cancelled and I will be refunded they still kept all my money for a so called custom order that suppose to take 8 weeks. They never credit my credit card and by the time I realized and got my bill, after several calls they would never help. I ended up having to dispute with my credit card company but in the end there nothing they can do to get my money back for furniture I do not even have in my possession because I signed that agreement. I can't not believe that any business would do something like this. Don't be tricked like me you can find the same stuff at a more reputable store.

  • en

    J Par


    Beautiful showroom. Biggest baby and kids showroom I've ever seen. The staff were friendly and not pushy and the prices were great. Definitely will buy here again.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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