Hollywood / Vine Station i Hollywood

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHollywood / Vine Station


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Hollywood Boulevard, 90028, Hollywood, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 34.1011822, Longitude: -118.3258089

kommentar 5

  • Kokoy Severino

    Kokoy Severino


    This was a really interesting subway station, full of relics from the movie industry...

  • Tricky Arvind

    Tricky Arvind


    It's a vine metro line. It is very nicely decorated.

  • Blackgloves



    Lot of things happen here at this station. Its always something delightful

  • Paolo Margari

    Paolo Margari


    Interesting metro station in the core of Holliwood, with many references to the movie industry. Well decorated, spacious therefore not so crowded.

  • Cary Brown

    Cary Brown


    Here's how an action film script might describe the Hollywood and Vine Metro Station. In color and real 3D, of course. FADE IN: Traveling​ through the inky blackness of the underground, we see, off in the distance, a hint and then a BLAST of Hollywood. CUT TO: Stepping from the confines of the Red Car into the grandeur of the Hollywood/Vine Metro Station, we enter the Golden Age of Hollywood. The station is a homage to the real tinsel that built the studios. The walls are decorated with hand-painted tiles documenting movie history. The ceiling is covered with 35mm/400 foot film reels; still empty, waiting to hold tomorrow's​ magic. There are giant arc projectors standing by, and a grove of artificial palm trees. Street musicians fill the room with live underscore. (Dropping a few coins is appreciated.) A glass walled elevator whisks you to the "Walk of Fame." Electronic systems provide security and information. "Teleprompters" announce train arrivals. Everything is wheelchair accessible. Need reality? There are no bathrooms available. FADE TO BLACK.

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