Chinatown Metro Station i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChinatown Metro Station


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1231, North Spring Street, 90012, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 34.0639002, Longitude: -118.2358103

kommentar 5

  • Stanley Moy

    Stanley Moy


    Great location, convenient to lots of Chinatown businesses. I get off here and walk to work everyday. Love the architectures and designs. You can also see Downtown LA from here.

  • Shirley Hayes

    Shirley Hayes


    As others have already said... the Chinatown Metro station is unique with the Chinese theme. Very colorful and you can sit and do a bit of people watching. It is very clean and safe.

  • en

    Syed Rizvi


    Beautiful station, very nice

  • Mark Woodson

    Mark Woodson


    I've loved this station since I first started using the Metro, but it's gotten even better with the condos and shops that mean you don't have to walk all the way down to College and then hike up the hill.

  • Andrew Amnasean

    Andrew Amnasean


    Trains usually on time. Very clean, well lit, & safe. Only one double sided bench for sitting. No outlet for charging phones. We played a game where one person closed their eyes (seeker) an counted to ten while the other person hide behind one of four pillars. The seeker then had to choose where the hider was. Very fun for the few minutes waiting for our train.

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