Hiser Orthodontics w Alpharetta

Stany ZjednoczoneHiser Orthodontics



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3180, North Point Parkway, 30005, Alpharetta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 470-330-9083
strona internetowej: www.hiserortho.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0759204, Longitude: -84.2588392

komentarze 5

  • shiragshri r

    shiragshri r


    Awesome, friendly staff, treatment that worked well & a clean facility. Definitely recommend. My son has one last visit pending but we are very-happy with the results.

  • Katin in the bag

    Katin in the bag


    Going for a visit is an entire experience. I’ve been going to the Alpharetta office for a year and a half, and the orthodontist assistants are all young, thin, and very pretty; they all look like models. They are friendly, open, fun and either they are really kind or very professional especially Cassy. Dr. Hiser is very friendly, rich and single. His son just graduated from Stanford and he has a big house in Milton. Some of Dr. Hiser staff have worked with him for 20 years, and the dental assistants say they don’t want to leave.

  • Denisse Castillo

    Denisse Castillo


    Where do I even start? I had an unsuccessful previous experience with another orthodontist. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Dr. Hiser exceeded my expectations. I just finished my full treatment of Invisalign under his care and I couldn’t be more satisfied. The staff was so welcoming and helpful throughout my entire treatment. They were always so attentive, kind, and able to assist with any concerns I had. I couldn’t ask for a better experience and I’m so happy with my results. Thank you so much Dr. Hiser and to your amazing staff!

  • Kelly Martin

    Kelly Martin


    I have been through braces twice with Dr Hiser (wear your retainers people!!) He was awesome! Great bedside manner, super funny without trying most times, and just an all around good, honest Dr.. I also had my oldest daughter treated by him, and her smile is without a doubt the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I send everyone I know to him! His staff is amazing and personable. They seem to really understand all the struggles of appointments and finances and they navigate all of that for you.

  • Navid Derakhshan

    Navid Derakhshan


    My experience has been simply awesome and no wonder they get this many 5 star! I have been working on my teeth alignment for 3 years now through another dentist who offered general dentistry. After a while, I could just tell they were not as proficient in this field even though they advertised it heavily. They got info from Invisalign and implemented it. But I could feel the redudency in the procedure. After a long period of standstill, they recommend me to Dr Hiser. From day one that I Walked in, it feels right! They have so much more equipment to do a more specialized niche, that is to make my smile amazing and help with over health of teeth erosion. They also improvised and saved me weeks is waiting from Invisalign. The culture of the office is what they say. They love their clients and clients love them. True a community here. I have had a pleasure of working with Mo. She has been handling my case From beginning and I have never had to work with multiple people. She knows me and she know what to expect. As a bonus, I get shot if good laughs here I have been extremely happy to with Dr Hiser team. These guys can do so much more than others in Atlanta area and they are very very good at it.

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