Hiley Subaru of Fort Worth w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneHiley Subaru of Fort Worth



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3505, W Loop 820 S, 76116, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-632-8800
strona internetowej: www.hileysubaru.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7199447, Longitude: -97.4780194

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bo Kais


    I was so impressed with Blake McCafferty service and patience to help me and my daughter find her a car. He was extremely knowledgeable and willing to go the extra mile to make our experience truly pleasant! Thank you so much!!

  • Melissa Moore

    Melissa Moore


    Lauren and Taylor are excellent with their customers. However, everyone else is terrible. I bought a 2014 Outback in Dover DE in 2013 and it needed to have a brake sensor repaired. It was repaired several times over the next few months. I was very disappointed in this vehicle and service. I moved to Fort Worth in July of 2015 and the sensor went bad again. Hiley fixed it several times as well. In March of 2016 I finally had enough. Asked them to get in fixed so I could go elsewhere and trade it. The salesman Ron, said he'd take good care of me...I thought this was a good place...Taken advantage of again. Leased a 2016 Forester...gas mileage sucks...have been complaining about it for well over 1 1/2. Service replaced the fuel sensor. I called the next day about the smell of fuel in my car...Said it was because of the work done...NOT...there was a gas leak. Still not getting good gas mileage to this day. I was also told I had service for 3 years...lied too. Stuck in a lease on a car a don't want until next year. I have no intentions of ever owning another Subaru. So very disappointed in this Brand. I won't be advertising good news for them either. If I could get out of this lease without having to pay a fortune I would be happy, but thats not going to happen with them thats for sure.

  • en

    Val F


    Came to see a used Ford Escape. Our sales rep Blake Mcafferty was excellent and very friendly and helpful. He was very kind and knowledgeable. He totally respected our concerns and addressed each one to our satisfaction all the time being respectful and not imposing. Such a breath of fresh air to meet someone like him at a dealership. Would gladly recommend him to friends and family.

  • Justin Peters

    Justin Peters


    Had BB as a sales man and it went very well. He listened to what we wanted and did very good picking out what met our requirements. He was mindful of the price we wanted to stay in and wasn't trying to force us to test drive vehicles out of our price range. We got the typical back and forth of negotiating but we left there with a good deal on the Used Ford Explorer we bought. It did have a window washer nozzle not working but I was able to fix that myself at no cost. Very happy with the whole experience.

  • en

    Alexander Wayne


    This review is for Blake M. Blake did a fantastic job on providing a relaxed sales conversation during my first visit to this dealership. There was no sense of pressure during my time spent there. The experience continued to be pleasant as we exchanged a few phone calls. Ultimately bought a vehicle due to excellent service I received. Thanks again.

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