Франк Кент Кадиллак w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneФранк Кент Кадиллак



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3500, West Loop 820 South, 76116, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-778-8620
strona internetowej: frankkentcadillac.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.72131, Longitude: -97.481082

komentarze 5

  • en



    I was really excited to drive an hour out of my way to buy a car, I figured that I was really going to get great service, boy was I wrong. I already had financing before my wife and I went to look, we already had a car in mind as well. So lets start with my one positive about this experience, My sales person was amazing, she went above and beyond her ability to help us. She was great. So next we drove the car and found a few issues that we wanted fixed, nothing crazy, just a sunroof that rattles and still does after the dealership having my car multiple time, the door panel started falling off which was fixed and a piece of wood stuck in the front tire that put me out 300 dollars in the first 3 days of having the car and all this after going through a certified inspection that I don't believe happened. I was told I would get a check for my tire ( I did not), I was told the sunroof was fixed ( it is not). Next we spoke to the finance manager who was the rudest person we met all day. He seemed to hate his job and spoke to us like we was not good enough to be in the store. I spoke to several managers one would never return my call after he seem very concerned with the issues we were having, the next person was the general manager who said he had some of the same issues with his car. He had the car looked at again and still nothing was fixed. They used marker to cover scratches, that came off the first wash. over all this has been by far the worst experience of my (our) car buying experiences. I will Never go back or recommend this place to anyone, they have the worst customer service and if your not buying new they really could careless to help you. I had to give one star to post this.

  • en

    Grace Metoxen


    After driving my SRX from CA, I took it in for oil change & any other needed service. Ashton was great to work with; he kept me informed re: what was happening with my car. The staff in the waiting area were very nice. The waiting area was clean & impressive. I will be taking my SRX back when needed.

  • Vonetta Wilson

    Vonetta Wilson


    Nice place to take your vehicle if your vehicle is still under warranty, if not find a local auto repair shop to do your repairs. This place is very expensive and can be some what misleading when they are explaining when your vehicle will be repaired and returned to you. As well as the auto rental price, I was told that the rental would not be charged to me due to they were repairing my vehicle, and I was under the impression that I would receive my vehicle the same day. This was not the case. I ended up paying 140.00 for a rental vehicle that I was told in the beginning that there would be no charge for, as well as they kept my vehicle over the weekend before reaching out to me and letting me know about the cost of the repairs. When I originally called the day I dropped my vehicle off for repairs I wanted an update so I could pick my vehicle up. I was on hold 25 to 30 minutes and no one came to the phone. Again this was just my experience but I stand by my original comment. Great place to take your vehicle if your vehicle is still under warranty with the dealership.

  • en



    I e-mailed the dealership to make an appointment for my ATS for a rear end leak as well as an alignment and oil change. Quickly Juan from there service department called me back to acknowledge my appointment and set me up with a drop off time. The vehicle was dropped off and he was able to take a look at the repair and determine that the rear end still had come coverage. He was also able to give me a accurate quote on the other repairs that needed to be completed. He called me a day early stating that the repairs were completed and the repairs came in under budget.. I picked the car up today and was very happy with the service they provided. I will continue to make Frank Kent my preferred dealership. Thank you to Juan and the outstanding service department at the dealership for providing exceptional service. I am looking forward to having my vehicle service at this dealership in the future.

  • Marissa Torres

    Marissa Torres


    My husband came here to buy a car and even though they were about to close in 30 minutes they still took very good care of my husband and didn’t rush the process or anything. We are EXTREMELY happy with our vehicle. We love this this place! Everyone is so professional, kind and very generous. God Bless this company and the people that work there. Thank you guys so much! I am looking forward to buying another vehicle from you guys in the future.

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