HI Chicago Hostel i Chicago

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHI Chicago Hostel



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24, East Congress Parkway, 60605, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 312-360-0300
internet side: www.hiusa.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.875894, Longitude: -87.626499

kommentar 5

  • Vineeth kumar

    Vineeth kumar


    This is my first stay in a hotel. I couldn't have chosen a better one. Its location is the main advantage. The rooms are clean and well maintained. The staff are also very friendly and helpful

  • Stone Mahula

    Stone Mahula


    Great price compare to the neighboring hotel in this area plus a very good location right in the middle of Chicago city center. You can walk around to most of the places from the hotel... it’s takes 5 min to walk to the Chicago art museum, approximately 6min to the Millennium Park, and another 5 min to the Michigan lake etc... great location! Good WiFi connection from the hotel rooms to the elevators and outside 100m the hotel as well. A little bit concerned about hotel facilities, not so bad but not the top also. Great entrance facilitating handicaps as well and those carrying heavy luggage. The personal are very friendly plus you have a free breakfast every morning 😊

  • Greg Eckhardt

    Greg Eckhardt


    Employees are super nice, and like any hostel everyone that is staying is very friendly. Comfy beds. It's very Central to a lot of the touristy bits in Chicago, so you'll be in a good spot if you're trying to stay.

  • Umi SB

    Umi SB


    Loved this place! In the downtown area near all the attractions and transportation hubs! Rooms and bathrooms were immaculate. Free breakfast included. Daily tours give thru the hostel organization. I would definitely stay there again!

  • Ryan McCoppin

    Ryan McCoppin


    If you need a place to stay for cheap in Chicago, this is it. Especially if you are traveling by yourself. It's a great way of meeting new friends from all over the world. Great amenities including breakfast, lounge, and coffee. They provide lockers in room and in the lobby. Great location downtown near lake Michigan... Near horse statue park south of Millennium Park.

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