La Quinta Inn & Suites Chicago Downtown i Chicago

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLa Quinta Inn & Suites Chicago Downtown



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One, South Franklin Street, 60606, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 312-558-1020
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.8815994, Longitude: -87.6350909

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jennifer Crocker


    Rooms were updated. Breakfast was great. Many employees were on hand at breakfast and front desk. Kept breakfast filled and clean. Front desk employees very helpful. Only suggestion is to offer some kind of breakfast option for guests leaving in the early morning before breakfast is available.

  • Michael Brosmer

    Michael Brosmer


    This is the nicest La Quinta I've stayed in, and also not the first La Quinta I've stayed in this week. Recently renovated the entire building is great. Rooms are large and well appointed. The hotel is very convenient and you can't beat the price for the location. The only downside is parking in the attached garage is 46 dollars a night, but that is a competitive rate for the area. Had dinner and breakfast (included) at the 2nd floor restaurant and was very happy with the meals.

  • Tammy Sarver

    Tammy Sarver


    Pros: Hotel is clean & modern. Staff are very pleasant and friendly. Free breakfast is good! My kids loved the waffles. Cons: Walls are thin. Luckily only had neighbors 1 night because we could hear everything. When someone shuts a door the walls shake. Parking is convenient at the Poetry parking garage right next door, but it's expensive. Cost $100 to park from Friday 3p to Sunday 3p. No pool or hot tub. Found that businesses closed early or weren't even open on the wknd since this is the business district.

  • en

    Magali Hernandez


    What do you look for when booking a hotel room? Comfort. Exactly what you get when staying here. Rooms may not be very spacious and there's not a lot of privacy since you can hear what others say in the room next to yours. Bed was amazing! No problems with the heater.

  • Emilee Follett

    Emilee Follett


    The staff was very personable, the free breakfast was much better than average, and the room was fine. The toilet made VERY loud noises all night and there were little lights all over the room that I couldn't avoid seeing when the toilet would wake me up. Otherwise, a good and affordable choice for downtown Chicago.

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