Head-To-Toe Chiropractic, LLC i Stamford

Forenede StaterHead-To-Toe Chiropractic, LLC



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1500, Hope Street, 06907, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-979-3142
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1089614, Longitude: -73.5158439

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steven Shaby


    My wife and I have been working with Dr. Gansel both as a personal trainer and a chiropractor for 2 years. She is a very knowledgeable, caring, and dedicated professional. We have seen improvements in strength, stamina, and balance.

  • en

    Candy Knott


    Best Chiropractor and trainer I have ever had. Heather knows exactly what the problem is and her training incorporates the correct exercises fir the condition.

  • Lynnie Hackstaff

    Lynnie Hackstaff


    Dr. Gansel is THE BEST! Both as a healer and as a trainer, you could not find someone more qualified, more professional, or more patient and understanding. She really listens and takes time to understand where you are: if you are hurt, how to help, and if you are training, how hard to push. I and other family members have worked with her for 2+ years now and are completely satisfied. She has also referred us to other health professionals when needed, also with good outcomes.

  • en

    K Phelps


    Fantastic Doctor! Dr. Heather understands how to keep active people in peak condition. Her vast knowledge of various sports and fitness routines helps to treat aches and pains that come up as a result of active, busy lifestyles.

  • Geri Guzinski

    Geri Guzinski


    Heather has helped me to recover from 2 car accidents & rotator cuff surgery. Her expertise & functional knowledge of the body has helped me to get back to daily activity Her exercise program has helped me regain strength & mobility. I strongly recommend her as both a chiropractor & exercise coach

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