The Posture People i Stamford

Forenede StaterThe Posture People



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1011, Hope Street, 06907, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 475-619-9199
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.093551, Longitude: -73.517416

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elisabeth Golden


    Posture People is about a lot more than posture! I was referred to this practice by my internist after pelvic surgery had left me extremely compromised. Sarah Weingarten is a talented therapist whose gentle manner and kindness belies her fierce determination to fix whatever is broken. There is nothing aggressive about the practice, and they are happy to work with your schedule to facilitate your wellness. Although they do not take insurance, preferring to spend their time healing rather than negotiating, they were helpful when I was trying to establish eligibility on my own for insurance at some level. I would recommend Sarah for any physical therapy needs. She is kind, extremely well-trained , intelligent, and well-educated. After almost a year of Sarah's therapy , my progress defied all expectations, and I continue to enjoy huge improvement.

  • en

    monica lynn


    If I could give it 6 stars I would. After 2 years of chronic neck pain resulting in thousands of dollars spent on chiropractors, acupuncture, orthopedist's injections, cupping, and pain patches - I decided to give Sarah, at The Posture People a try. Within a couple of weeks I was 100% pain free. I kid you not - I did not remember what is was like to live without the pain and I am 100% satisfied! I now visit 1x per month for a "tune-up"!

  • Josh Shamsi

    Josh Shamsi


    Sarah has helped me reduce the pain in my lower back to almost zero in a matter of 3 weeks. She has not only helped me with my pain but has also helped me understand how to avoid inflicting it on myself moving forward. She is very knowledgeable, intuitive, has a good set of hands and is a pleasure to be around. I discovered Sarah through my wife who was able to significantly improve on a number of issues she was having following her second pregnancy. Highly recommended for anyone looking to heal or deal with old chronic issues or new acute ones.

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    Michael Wolfe


    I worked with Sarah Weingarten on recurring back problems. Sarah is both incredibly knowledgeable and has a terrific manner with her patients. She not only helped with my immediate and short-term concerns, but gave me exercises and approaches to my long-term needs as well. Her goal to me was clear: rather than focus just on our appointment treatments (which, by the way, always helped correct what was troubling me), Sarah put me on a self-directed plan to help me help myself. This was exactly the kind of approach I needed, and I recommend her highly to those looking for physical therapy support.

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    Dr Robert S Fields


    After working with other therapists with little change, I was referred to Shani Soloff. Her approach with a different type of treatment, both in the office and- equally important - with home exercises, have given me great relief with a chronic hip problem. As a result , it has become much easier to live with and the caring and professional expertise have been exceptional and extremely successful for me. Dr R. S. Fields

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