Hawthorne Dental Associates w Hawthorne

Stany ZjednoczoneHawthorne Dental Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

625, Lafayette Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-567-7773
strona internetowej: hawthornedentalnj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.959708, Longitude: -74.155297

komentarze 5

  • Debbie Finch

    Debbie Finch


    My husband and I are both patients of Dr. Rosenson and his team. We are extremely satisfied with the dental care we received at Hawthorne Dental Associates. Our experiences have been nothing but pleasant and comfortable. I would recommend Hawthorne Dental Associates to anyone who needs dental treatment.

  • Jaclynn Estes

    Jaclynn Estes


    I had nothing but the best dental care at Hawthorne Dental Associates. The entire staff is very helpful, professional, and friendly. I love HDA!

  • Myrtle Walter

    Myrtle Walter


    Dr. Rosenson and his staff are always amazing and friendly when I go in! Everyone is friendly, and took care of all my questions. I am always worried about pain when visiting the dentist and Dr. Rosenson was amazing! I felt nothing. If you are nervous, I would recommend this office. I have avoided the dentist for long time, thanks for making my first visit back so tolerable. You are the best!

  • Armando Curtis

    Armando Curtis


    If you are looking for a fantastic dentist, Hawthorne Dental Associates is the place to find one. Dr. Rosenson made sure I only got the work I needed and at a great rate. The rest of the staff was very friendly and willing to help me as well. Great Office!

  • Ted Sanchez

    Ted Sanchez


    During my first visit to Dr. Rosenson's office, I was impressed by how organized and professional their team was. The front desk is always friendly. They called and reminded me of my appointment, helped me set-up my paperwork ahead of time and seated me right when I walked into the office. I highly recommend this dental office for anyone who wants a great dental experience!

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