Dentures Plus w Hawthorne

Stany ZjednoczoneDentures Plus



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625, Lafayette Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-797-9331
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9597255, Longitude: -74.1553699

komentarze 5

  • Ida Rush

    Ida Rush


    It has now been two years since I went to Dentures Plus to get all-on-4's for dentures. I can now say that I am very pleased how comfortable and natural they fit in my mouth. They function perfectly just like natural teeth and they don't move around your mouth which is the best part. Thank you Dr. Rosenson!

  • Kimberley Spears

    Kimberley Spears


    Dentures Plus is a top notch dental office, I had my partial dentures fitted in last month and I couldn't be more happy! They fit in my mouth with no problem and I can't believe how comfortable they are. I found that the staff at Dentures Plus to be very friendly, accommodating, and passionate about their work every time I visit them. Overall a great experience!

  • Ursula Mndoza

    Ursula Mndoza


    Dr. Rosenson at Dentures Plus brought back my smile and I adore him for that! When I came in for the first time, the treatment coordinator worked with me to tailor a treatment plan that was unique and personal to my situation which was awesome. The payments are affordable and the results are fantastic. I got my bottom dentures three months ago and I have no issues with it and most importantly, they are comfortable and fit in your mouth like a glove. Thanks Dentures Plus!

  • Tracy Camron

    Tracy Camron


    I would recommend Dentures Plus to all my friends and family. Every time I visit their office (even if I don't have an appointment), the entire staff is upbeat and welcoming! Everyone at Dentures Plus does an amazing job and are willing to help you out if you have any questions or concerns. I got permanent dentures and they feel great in my mouth. No slipping or movements and they feel perfectly comfortable. I highly recommend you visit Dentures Plus if need Dentures.

  • Shron Avery

    Shron Avery


    The staff members at Dentures Plus are very courteous and supportive. I needed a partial denture done for my bottom teeth and the work done was both beautiful and comfortable. Most of all, I am impressed with the quality for the price. I feel confident in smiling again and would recommend them to anyone looking for a good denture at a fair price.

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