Happy Cleaners i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHappy Cleaners



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1509, 17th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-483-3993
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Latitude: 38.9101034, Longitude: -77.0381571

kommentar 4

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    Michael Drinkwater


    worst customer service ever! I gave my shirt with a stain on it which they charged extra. The stain didn't come off. I asked for store credit but nothing happened (which they initially said they will). The guy was offensive and doesn't know how to operate a business. Poor service! Walk a block or more and use another dry cleaner!

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    Chase Mitchell


    Called Happy Cleaners to see if they could help me with pressing my suit and the service was terrible- they are not happy

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    A Google User


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    A Google User


    Because they're too busy dealing with a certain $52 million lawsuit that you all probably heard about. They also had to close 2 other stores owned by them due to this suit, so if they lose items, cut them some slack. They have enough to worry about and need all the support they can get.

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