Halpern Kenneth L DDS w Roslyn Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneHalpern Kenneth L DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

70, Glen Cove Road, 11577, Roslyn Heights, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-621-2323
strona internetowej: www.longislandimplants.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.792296, Longitude: -73.621058

komentarze 2

  • en

    Leland Petersen


    I have had surgical work by Dr. Halpern several times over the past years, and I have nothing but praise for the quality of his work, the behind-the-scenes consultations between him and my regular dentist, and the professionalism of the clinical staff assistants. The office management seems quite acceptable, although the fees clearly reflect today's premium for really professional dental care, including the plentiful office staff to keep things going smoothly.

  • en

    Hamid Soltani


    I am writing a review based on the management of this office not the standard of dental care. My mom was referred to Halpern for some dental work (implants) and 2 months prior to her procedure I spoke with the office manager on what the expectation of costs would be since I would be paying out of pocket for the work. During that call it was explained to me what was required with the cost and then on the day of the procedure the price discussed was doubled. Since my mom already made a trip to the appointment and was in Halpern's office I asked to speak with Halpern regarding why on the day of the appointment the pricing for the work was doubled and after waiting for 15 minutes on hold he never got on the phone with me and then I was told by the office manager that my choice was to either send my mom home or to move forward with the procedure. The office manager did convey that they could cut the cost if only one implant was done instead of two (which would be a short-cut treatment). The way this was handled in my opinion was unprofessional, first, the double pricing on the day of the appointment, second with Halpern refusing to get on the phone with me to discuss, and third, the office not keeping me informed since they were aware I was paying for the work and that English is not my mom's first language. All of the foregoing displays to me the systematic way the office is ran (i.e. money first vs. patient care).

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