Dr. Roxene S. Gascoigne, DDS w Roslyn Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneDr. Roxene S. Gascoigne, DDS



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70, Glen Cove Road, 11577, Roslyn Heights, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-484-2111
strona internetowej: www.easthillsendo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7922821, Longitude: -73.6207773

komentarze 5

  • jeanine dimenna

    jeanine dimenna


    Staff excellent. Great experience

  • Carol Palmer

    Carol Palmer


    I had the most remarkable experience ever. I had such a bad fear for the Dentist after a really horrible experience, I did not even want to go for a cleaning. I went to Dr. Gascoigne for a Root Canal, and on entering her office until I leave it was the best experience I ever had. The staff was great, very pleasant and the place was very comfortable.My most memorable moment was, while my procedure was being done I was being entertain with my favorite instrumental music, it felt like a spa experience. I thought I would be in a lot of pain but it was quite minimal next to none.I had follow up calls after I left the office by Dr. Gascoigne to ensure I was doing okay. I am very impress with their professional care I have no reservation in recommending Dr Gascoigne

  • Colin Anton Samuel

    Colin Anton Samuel


    She was great, staff was friendly, root canal procedure was painless, doctor took great lengths to soothe me (down to choice of music provided by iPod with headphones), painless paperwork, excellent referral to another dentist close by. I didn't even need to take painkillers once the initial ones wore off and a day later forgot I even had the procedure done. Excellent job.

  • Lauren Oxford

    Lauren Oxford


    This was one of the best dental experiences I’ve had. I usually have pretty good experiences when I visit dental offices, but the issues is usually the pain. I don’t go often because the visits usually leave my mouth a bit raw, so when I had to get tooth work done I was naturally apprehensive. However, this visit was not painful at all. The assistants were pleasant & the dentist was professional. I recommend this office.

  • Taso Niarchos

    Taso Niarchos


    **AVOID AVOID AVOID** Let me preface by saying I've had an unfortunate amount of dental issues for someone my age, and I've had nothing but positive experiences with every dentist, oral surgeon, and endodontist I've been to. Unfortunately, my recent visit to Gascoigne's office completely wrecked that pattern. I was referred to this office as an emergency visit from an oral surgeon - I had gone to the oral surgeon to get a back molar extracted due to pain from chewing. My dental insurance had already been used up, so I wanted to get an extraction and next year get an implant when I could afford it. I let the surgeon talk me into going to this endodontist to confirm the tooth was cracked, rather than extract what could be a perfectly healthy tooth. When I got to the office, I was informed by a technician that they had to do a few x-rays and some kind of cone 3D imaging - it was the only way to confirm a crack, but it would cost me $200. Given that it was the only way to confirm, I said OK. After the x-rays and imaging, the dentist sat with me for 5-10 minutes. She explained that the tooth was cracked, but a root canal MIGHT save it, they wouldn't know until after the procedure had already been started. She had no idea what the chances of the procedure working would be, but told me if I got it extracted and an implant put in, there'd be a 95% success rate, and I should take the weekend to consider. Then at the front desk, as I go to pay them the $200, I'm told after the discount I was given due to being insured, the visit will be $416. $200 for the imaging, as I was told $35 or so per x-ray And a $185 consulting fee from the dentist. If I DID want the root canal, that'd be $1525.00 Let's start at $185 for a 10 minute consultation - need I really say more? $1525 for a root canal?? I've been to several root canal specialists, and never been charged a consulting fee, or any fee for the x-rays or imaging - in my experience, they know they make a ton off the root canal, and so don't try to hit you with other charges. Long story short, after 30 minutes of arguing, they brought it down to $370 (they wouldn't let me leave without paying) My suggestion: In Roslyn (5 minutes away) there's a great endodontist, Dr. Bruckner - he's never charged me any fees for x-rays, imaging or 10 minute consultations - regardless of whether I ended up going through with the procedure, and the last root canal on a molar I got there was somewhere around $1100. Avoid this office if you can, there are great alternatives right in the neighborhood, that will advise you of the costs up front.

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