Graziano's Pizzeria i Glendale

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20329, North 59th Avenue, 85308, Glendale, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 33.6711724, Longitude: -112.1848767

kommentar 5

  • en

    Courtney Graham


    I love love love this place! The wings are always crispy instead of slimy, the food is delicious, no matter what we order, the service is always friendly, the happy hour is so reasonable it's unreal, and it's never too loud or crazy so I can come with my husband and 4 year old and have a slice and some wings with an ICE COLD pint and just relax! I actually have to remind myself not to make happy sounds as I bite into my crisp wings and sip my delicious beer and watch the game. The clam chowder is the bomb, btw. The slices are NY style, and if they aren't making it all homemade, I want their distributors number! The sauce, the crust, I mean, man oh man! Just go. Skip Pizza Hut and Papa Johns and try this!

  • Tom Eslick

    Tom Eslick


    This is a great LOCALS restaurant. They have great staff that treat you like family. The pizza is some of the best, but do not be fooled, this is not just a pizza place. The meat sauce is great with any of their pastas. Wings are amazing and the beer mugs will freeze your beer!

  • Ken Told

    Ken Told


    Five stars because the pizza is excellent. The Italian dishes are pretty good, it really depends on what you get. Anything with ziti in the name tends to be a notch above the other traditional dishes.

  • Marilyn Schey

    Marilyn Schey


    Their pizza is great and the staff was very friendly. The prices are very fair. We were there on a Friday night and every table was taken except for a small one near the register. I could see there being times where there could be a wait because the restaurant itself is small, but over all I can't wait to go back!

  • Tammy McDonald

    Tammy McDonald


    Let's start off with business... parking is completely adequate being located in a strip mall. Seating seemed to be plentiful (we were here new year's eve afternoon). They had football on the TV which gave this a comfortable feel inside. Now for the food. We ordered the New England clam chowder first since they claim to have the best 😊. It was delicious with just the right ratio of potatoes and clam. I've had better in Boston but this was pretty good for a desert restaurant 😉. Our pizza came hot to the table with pepperoni, sausage (thinly sliced not crumbled), ham, bacon and extra cheese. The sausage was very good but it didn't quite seem like extra cheese to me. The crust is homemade so it definitely has a chewy texture with the right amount of air bubbles. The sauce was nothing special with little taste. I've had better pizza around the states but this was one of the better pizzas I've had in Phoenix.

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