Abacus Inn Arrowhead Chinese Restaurant i Glendale

Forenede StaterAbacus Inn Arrowhead Chinese Restaurant



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20329, North 59th Avenue, 85308, Glendale, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-362-1788
internet side: www.theabacusinnarrowhead.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.6711724, Longitude: -112.1848767

kommentar 5

  • en

    Julia Wiederholt


    Abacus has plenty of options for anyone in the family. I've never been disappointed in my meal. Highly recommend!!

  • en

    Brian Hamilton


    Very nice atmosphere outstanding customer service family owned and operated great food and clean and inviting

  • tre kelley

    tre kelley


    My favorite place for Chinese food every person I have ever brought here has loved it. This place has a great environment and food is superb anything you order on the menu should be more than enough food for two people and way better than competitors offers. Even orange chicken is leagues better than other place's orange chicken.

  • Ralph Piemonte

    Ralph Piemonte


    Great Chinese food.... excellent hot and sour, and egg drop soup. Egg rolls are excellent as well. They only use white meat in their chicken dishes. Small place but worth the wait.

  • Bren S

    Bren S


    Best Chinese food around and always great service. Great you happily when you come in and usually always say goodbye and thank you for coming. The owner is usually always around and if he sees something like, maybe you didn't get enough sauce on something he just brings you extra no questions. Nice that he notices without you having to ask for it. They also make sure you have plenty of water and hot tea at your table. Nice small quant family restaurant.

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