Gothic Cabinet Craft i New York

Forenede StaterGothic Cabinet Craft



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2494, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-677-0070
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Latitude: 40.609166, Longitude: -73.922436

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lifedoc Giz


    Unfinished and finished custom furniture available at Store or online. Prices are fair and you can choose wood. Genuine wood selection. Although the Bay Ridge store has closed. There are a few of these in the five boroughs of New York. I would suggest checking out the showrooms if you never have made a purchase here. Generally better quality then some furniture stores butt Lacks ornate styles.

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    Erica St. Cyr


    They’re the best;:Delivery on time; And the price is right

  • Jeffrey Diamond

    Jeffrey Diamond


    Nice new location. They carry most if the line so you can see everything in person. The sales staff is very knowledgeable and not to pushy. I placed my order and in just a few days the delivery came without any problems. Yeah you can get higher quality elsewhere but if your on a budget this is not a bad place to shop.

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    moil taiene


    I have just received my LP record rack, 2 shelf w/ base, it arrived in perfect shape. It was packed and shipped with care. The craftsmanship looks to be of a high quality, old world style. If you need this type of cabinet Gothic Cabinet is who I recomend.

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    Lin Simms


    Have purchased 2 bookcases during the past seven years and they are both good useful pieces of furniture in my home.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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